innovative - ecological - modern |
Residential and commercial areas produce your own electricity - a distant dream? |
Energy has become an essential commodity in our society. We would like tocontribute a piece of our concepts and solutions for independence. Thepower generation in Europe and Worldwide Gedackt is primarily caused by fossil fuels. An expensive and also environmentally hostile process.
With the combination of sun and wind, the InnoTech Parcs produce all theirown electricity requirements. The excess electricity to the grid, you cancontinue and continue to receive the guaranteed feed-in tariff in Germany.
Energy by sunThe feed-in tariff will be reduced more and more, so come on with the legalquestion, Is it worthwhile to invest more on a roof? We say yes when the roofsurface rotates with the sun and thus earns about 40% -45% more yield.Then the additional costs of tracking and the substructure are to be accommodated. The roofs are less, the feed-back, the power is more expensive. The structure is simple and can even be set up by the investor himself, DIY kitsand offer a variety dealers to fight for every job. This is a battlefield on whichwe do not want to be active. To survive in the market are unique featuresand characteristics of the construction required. ...mehr |
Energy by windTo maximize the power balance of the InnoTech Parcs we used in additionto the wind. Through the integration of wind turbines in our parks, we generate, even in poor weather conditions and night electricity. |